Thursday, May 1, 2008

round 2

i know moving on is hard but like he taught me its always good to have someone to help you thru it and dats wat i have now.... you don't have to understand wat i am sayin, i jus needed to get it off my chest....

now moving on. American Idol, form here on shall be reffered to as AI, was just on. and i alreayd know who's gonna win : david Archuletta, i mean the boy gets rave reviews every week. unless by some strange catastrophe he doesn't win, in which case i'm hopin he loses to jason castro. now the race is on for 2nd place. i'm pretty sure dat its gonna be an all boy final cos syesha sucks. personally i can't see why she even amde it this far. she's full of inconsistency and next week may just be her last. and then there's david cook.... well i have nothin to say about him. he's not bad but he ain't my fave. so there...

.................1st PLACE

2nd PLACE (i hope)

3rd PLACE (if everyone keeps their sanity)......

can't believe she got this far.....