sometimes i wonder what our relationship is. it makes me think of all the times we seemed like things were perfect but then in the blink of an eye you made me feel like an outsider once more. its not that you don't care, its just that i don't know if you care as much as i do. its like you are the direct opposite of what i hoped for and yet i love you because no one knows me like you do. sometimes, i wish we could be idiotic together but then i rmbr that u are the reason i have some sanity left in me. sometimes, i wish you would tell me what ur thinking, so that i could feel like you trusted me enough to let me know. but then again, i realise i cannot begrudge you this because its just the kind of person you are. i wish we could be like the others, more open and dependant on each other, but every now and then i know that if we were like them we would destroy each other, because dealing with each other's pain would make it harder for us to deal with our own. but i still love you.
merry christmas
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by kalkx at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
madness in the light
missed me?
i know. M.I.A. again
but its not my fault. i had work to do. work that was earning me money. so well now you know in my life, money trumps fun. not always, but most of the time.
but now, on to better things.
i know its gonna sound lame and forgive me but i'm onli human. i love twilight. the whole thing. i have always had a thing for vampires. somehow they always come off as smokin hot. but twilight is just amazing. i mean i don't think i have ever watched a movie and been so inlove with it. i got so obsessed i read the book in 3 days. and when i read it, i jus got sucked in even more. i mean the whole fairy tale was amazing and endearing. sometimes it was frustrating but for the most part it swept me off my feet, pardon the corny. i loved it. i loved it so much, i went out and bought the soundtrack. i can't wait for it to come out on dvd cos i think this one is worth buying an original copy for. seriously, it takes the cake for movie of the season as far as i'm concerned. i know it isn't winning any awards, but still, i ahve always prided myself in liking the least expected movie. and though i know a million people are swooning over the actors and day dreaming about how hot the lead was, i am really just bedazzled by the characters. i mean outside the context of the movie, the actors don't fascinate me at all. must be all that vampire and sensual seduction of the forbidden. afterall, no one breaks a rule better than i do.......
Posted by kalkx at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
15th december 2008
its a miracle la, we managed to get a day out without anyone else. jus me, him and her. i mean its not like i don't like everyone else but 6 months ago it was just us sitting at TGIs (before they changed the menu) having a good time. chillin. talking. eating way more than we shud be (i feel fat). then we added the g and he was an absolute joy but he still didn't know everythin there was to know, so we nvr really pulled him in the inner circle. we love him but we'r not quite there yet. and then came angry boy. well we love him too but he's too much of a loose cannon. and still we'r not wuite there yet. so the inner circle is still a 3 person gp. but it might expand. you nvr know.
anyways, crap aside today was fun. we went to the Pavillion and chilled. its damn boring there la. i mean everythin is just too expensive so you don't even bother looking. and then there was just no movie to watch. so all that was left was food. we went crazy and ate a lot as always. and then we decided to go to MACEEs which was why we were in KL today anyways. the lady was a horror la. she didn't know squat from shit. she was just fumbling aorund in the dark, basically telling him wat i could have told him. hell, i know i could have been more helpful. all she said was "you must check with the individual uni". it was her freakin mantra. if only the white lady were there, she wud have been more helpful. well we can't really fuss. i mean now its all up to him. its a tough decision and not everyone knows if its worth the trouble, but i did now its his turn to know.
ah well......
Posted by kalkx at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
14th december 2008
as you can see, i've chopped off all of my hair. ok maybe not all but most of it. its been a week. i nvr really wanted but i've decided to show you. well today was rather boring. worse than yesterday actually. i got up and cooked lunch. (don't be so shocked) i can cook you know. i made mango chicken and pasta with cream sauce and potato salad. it was good except i think i put on 10 kgs eating it. oh FUCK....
well, in other highlights, we have decided to get rid of the maxis broadband cos it sucks. and vik agrees with me, so it is a good decision. well, we'r back to good ol' streamyx. and oh eyah, i am so abck dated on my work for the tuition cneter that shireen might kill me but i will try and bargain and reason with her. but i cna't be blamed. i had abrely enough time to study let alone type put crap.
Posted by kalkx at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
PC Fair extravaganza
13th december 2008
today seemed uneventful. but it wasn't to say the least. it of course started with me oversleeping and missin my internship thing with SASA this morning. well, what's a week without a little overslept accident. so when vik called and told me it sucked and that it was good i didn't come, i was actually thankful for my pig like sleeping tendencies.
So as it was the morning flew by without any further incidents. then at 5 my mom and bro wanted to go to the PC Fair in KL. well dat was a brilliant plan except they got the locations mixed up, and we ended up in PWTC when the fair was in KL Convention Center. dat was hilarious since my mom doesn't really know her way around KL and every time we took a wrong turn we had to go back all the way to PJ and find our way back again. It was kinda like playing a video game and having to revisit the same check point every time you lose a life.
well we managed to get there at long last and the place was crowded as i expected. and well, if i told you what we bought, u would die. so let me tell you...
1. a iTouch pouch (RM45) - cos my iTouch was getting scratched beyond recognition
2. Dell ink refill(RM35) - it was actually lexmark. the fella claims it should work for Dell, my mom will kill him if it doesn't
3. A cooling fan for my laptop (RM8) - seems like a bargain, i know but only time will tell
4. A whole new CPU and Plasma screen monitor with gaming card and wat not (RM2K ++) - for my bro
5. Gaming laser mouse G9 and keyboard G15(RM700) - for my bro cos he suddenly wants to be an avid gamer. nowadays, PSP, XBox and PS2 is not enough. we need computer games to be added to the list so that kids can be even more computer dependent.
6. Maxis Broadband (RM100) - now this was kinda dumb seeing as we have a perfectly good streamyx thing that is works fine, while the maxis thing PMSes like a bitch and doesn't connect properly. I think i might return this one. pending.
so that was it. i think we blew like god knows how many K in there. its stupid really but technology is supposed to make life easier but instead it bleeds a hole in our pocket.
but my one stellar achievement today was bargain. i always admired my mom cos she could bargain and get like a major discount for anythin. well today i kinda flaunted some of my genes and managed to get a RM200 reduction in the price of my bro's mouse and keyboard. it was my true moment of victory. who knew... i guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Posted by kalkx at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Posted by kalkx at 3:15 AM 0 comments