heheheh.... sori for being so anti-blog lately. just been too busy. i mean its olympic season and as u most probably know i am glued to the tv watchin hot guys strip down and do the twenty. i know dat makes no sense but dats wat someone once called the swim meet. which by the way is awesome. i mean i wake up early every mornin jus so dat i can watch michael phelps win gold. ok, i know a lot of u think he's an arrogant bastard and no i ain't gonna defend him but no matter wat u have to admit he's an awesome swimmer. i mean, he makes it looks easy.... and dats not somethin everyone can do. so, the chinese have apparently dubbed him "the American Superfish". and i agree.... so there...ok now lets examine shall we. Malaysia has 0 gold medals and almost every other country has at least one. actually wait, malaysia does have a gold. apparently that fella azizul wats his name walked so brilliantly in the march in dat he deserves a gold. oh yes. damn fuckin right. he deserves a gold for walkin in without droppin a flag. i mean for a "bumi" dats awesome. but technically, tak ada gold la, sori. do u know why this is so?.... anybody wanna warrant a guess...? no...?
ok let me tell you. its cos the only freakin athletes that malaysia sends are "bumi". why? cos onli these dungus get trained for their special "talent". talent my ass la. i mean come on. the onli true contender for a gold medal is Nicol David and squash is not even an olympic sport. and the onli reason she can get a gold is cos she trains hard on her own and built herself up with no one's help. come on la, u boleh-land members claim dat u all are superior to the indians and the chinese, and yet the onli people capable of gettin mention for ur stupid country is a chinese fella (lee chong wei-badminton) and an indian girl (nicol david-squash) don't you all feel fuckin embarassed to lay claim to ur shitty "ketuanan Melayu" but be fuckin useless at anythin else.
the "bumi"s are basically riding on the success of the minority but refuse to award us the respect we deserve as residents of the country. if it were up to me i think dat anyone capable in this country should just leave, then the boleh-landers will truly understand our worth and dat their fuckin "ketuanan melayu" is not gonna save them when the economy goes into recession and the country falls depper into the dung hole that the melayus have created for themselves and us by default all cos we made the stupid mistake of comin here100 yrs ago.
haih, i am too tensed. for more boleh-land bashin click here.
so moving on to things closer to home. i wanna say to you guys who were quarelling this mornin. relax la dudes. life ain't supposed to be this hostile til u start workin and cussin the bos is a daily event. if things don't go accordin to plan, jus reshuffle the plan, don't try and reshuffle the things goin on. jus relax. be cool, don't emo jus chillin la joe. dats all i have to say....
4 years ago
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