Friday, July 18, 2008

an IT dilemma

ok so yesterday was our first Moral studies class and we were sitting at the back row and as usual talkin instead of listening. and then suddenly a thought struck me and addie.... why the hell do we have to take moral studies while the ITs get to take Islamic studies.

hey wait, before i am accused of bein bitter i just wanna say dat its not the ITs fault, its the fault of the dim witted dungus we were forced to vote into power a.k.a the ding-dongs of boleh-land (as addie puts it). hear me out for a second.

the ding-dong's rationale is that ITs go to Islamic studies cos apparently it teaches them about their religion and they don't need moral studies cos Islamic studies already incorporates morals in it.

for 12 yrs i was goin to the hindu equivalent of sunday school every saturday evening.
addie actually went to sunday school til she was 16 and they finally got sick and told her, "gawd child u have to stop"

so i went for my religious studies class for 12 years and by forcing me to go for moral too, the ding-dongs are actually trying to sya that my religious class did not incorporate morals and dat i need a secial class for that. bah.... fooey.... wat kinda bullshit is dat.

i mean come on. my religion ain't the one dat says "satu tak cukup, perlu 3 lagi". and with this kinda beliefs the ding-dongs have the audacity to imply dat we, non ITs need moral classes. i mean come on. wat kinda bull is dat. i'll have you know i was taught how to behave and how to be a morally upright person. and for all the Islamic studies you shove down the ITs throats, its most likely they'll end up doin wat they have been labelled to do which is either end up a full fledged IT or a petty criminal.

so my question is, who the F*** should be the ones taking moral, us or the ITs?