ok well i have been goofin off for the past few days but now its time to get down to business. i am goin to turn down the JPA scholarship. i know wat ur thinkin, "how stupid can she be?" or "dats one way of saying ur cocky".... well i agree. i agree dat i am cocky, dat i pig headed and dat i am stupid and all i have to say in defense is that i have a dream. i know its corny and that Martin Luther King has made it his catch phrase but dat is the simple truth. i have had a dream since i was 10 that i would go to the US and do medicine and i would become a plastic surgeon and settle there. i know that i can just as easily do the whole thing here but the problem is that it is not my dream.the dream is not just of becomin a plastic surgeon but it is a dream of becomin a US graduate. i wanna do wat no one else in my immediate family has done. i wanna branch out and show the people who thought my mom was destined to fail, i wanna show them dat she got it right. dat we didn't need him in our lives to be a success. we achieved the highest accolade and we couldn't have done better with him around. and its not just for her. i'd be lying if i said i didn't want it for myself as well. i mean i always envied my relatives when they gloatingly said their daughter is in australia doin medicine. gosh it was so cool to be away and then visit. everyone always thought they were so awesome, like rockstars. at least i did.... heheheh but also, to have a degree from US is like the holy grail. a US doctor has the highest hill to climb to get to where he is cos its considered the most challengin course. the standards are held so high. and i wanna do it. i wanna climb the mountain. cos when i look back i wanna be able to say, dat of all the paths, i chose the hardest and i managed to endure it all. oh well, i'm gonna spend my days researching my options. cos if the mountain doesn't work out i might have to find a molehill to climb... heheheh
ok so i got a pic i really want to show off....
nice henna tattoo huh....
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